Ice Cream
I had two hours to kill yesterday between work and school. It was hot as a mother fucker outside and I was sweating bullets. It was like someone had hosed down my armpits. So I decided I wanted some ice cream. I am not an ice cream fanatic and usually, I don't much care for it. But yesterday I had a craving. So into to Baskin Robbins I went. Apparently since Baskin Robbins and Dunkin Dounuts joined forces, Baskin Robbins has abandoned their 31 flavors motto. This Baskin Robbins was like 5 flavors. True, there were 5 more sherbet flavors, but I don't count that as flavors because I don't eat sherbet so those flavors have no bearing on my life. I was feeling adventrous, so I went with a double scoop. Two things I learned about ice cream. 1.) Double scoops are hard to eat off a cone. 2.) It isn't fun ordering a double scoop alone. I felt like everyone thought I was this lonely, sad person who has to drown her sorrows in two scoops of ice cream. Maybe I just couldn't decide between Jamoca Almond Fudge and Velvet Blue Ribbon, so I got them both. Or maybe I hadn't eaten in 48 hours and I was starving. Or maybe I was going to share my ice cream. I didn't need sympathetic looks for the 16 year old with braces who worked behind the counter. I walked out of Baskin Robbins, eyes to the floor until I got to my car, where I was going to enjoy my double scoop in peace. Of course, there had to be a woman in the car parked next to me who was watching me eat my ice cream, making judgements on the type of person I am, so I had to drive away. I parked in a secluded street that had shade, put on the radio and ate my ice cream. I was ready to go to class (2 hours later) when I realized I spilled about half the ice cream on my shirt. At that point, I didn't need anybody else looing at me to make me feel pathetic.
P.S. For those of your feeling bad for me, I didn't really feel pathetic. I was happy for the excuse to change my sweaty armpit shirt. Hurrah!