Believe it or not, I made it to an anniversary. That's right, Jascha and I have now been dating for one year. Let me give you a recap of the going's on. On the Thurs. before the day, Jascha took me to all you can eat sushi. Needless to say I stuffed myself and then wanted to vomit the rest of the evening. Very romantic. The following day I was treated to a pretty spectacular sight. A bowl full of marinating meat. Awhile back I mentioned to jascha that I enjoyed, rather, obsessed about beef jerky. The price was so disappointing because the jerky always left me wanting more, but the price kept telling me, "No, beef jerky is only for high class citizens who make loads of money and only dine on the finest of meats. " Well, I think I can safely say I will never have a craving for beef jerky again. Jascha made me more than I could eat in a lifetime, though I will die trying. We also went out for ethiopian food. It was like deja vu, I stuffed myself, then wanted to puke. All the same it was a wonderful day, made more wonderful by the fact that Jascha remembered. It's hard to believe I've had a year long relationship, but honestly, it feels like we have been together longer. So this is just a public thank you to Jascha for making me happy for an entire year. That is no small feat and I am very lucky to have him and Radley (his dog) in my life. So, thanks a million, jascha! You're the best!