Lazy to the max.
I am a lazy person. And far be it for me to judge others when I clearly have my own faults. However, I just witnessed such a display of laziness that even I, the girl who will hold her bladder for as long as possible at work because she doesn't like walking to the bathroom, was appalled. I got on the elevator at work and there were two plumbing guys already on. I was going to the eighth floor. They were trying to go to the 3rd floor, but for some reason the elevator wouldn't let them get off there. The button would not stay lit. So one of them pushes the second floor and says, " We can just get off on 2 and walk up." Then the other guy goes, "Yeah, we could, or we could get off at 4 and walk down." The first guy looks at the second guy, nods in agreement and presses 4. I checked and both of these men had full use of their legs. No limps. No canes. Super Mario was not a lazy plumber. Neither was Ron Jeremy.
I can understand if they hit 4 first. I can also understand if they were alone in the elevator and decided this was the best course of action. If I was alone I probably would have too. But I know for me, my embarrassment of my laziness usually springs me into action, especially if others are there to witness said laziness. But not these gentlemen. They had no problem stopping on an extra floor just so they could let gravity help them out as they walked down a flight of stairs. They unabashedly embraced their laziness, and maybe for that I should applaud them. Or maybe I should just be glad there are people out there who make me look like an Olympic athlete. I'm not yet sure.