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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Light it up

Lindsay says, "Jenny Stinks."

Yesterday was Lindsay's birthday, and in accordance with American customs, we celebrated. The evening began at Coast, a fantastic sushi restaurant. Lindsay invited 6 others to join in the revelry. We ate, we drank (BYOB), we bet on a the likelihood that a couple on their first date was familiar with the existence of Friendster (I bet both knew, one didn't). Everything was going along swimmingly until it came time to pay the bill. Everyone was looking to see how much they owed. I leaned over the table to grab the check. As I'm doing this, I catch a whiff of something funky and think to myself, "it smells like something's burning." I sit back and look at Lindsay who is giving me a perplexed look. At this very moment I simultaneously notice smoke coming from my left and hear someone say, "Jenny, your hair is on fire." That's right. I ignited my hair in an upscale restaurant. I proceed to bat my hair to stop it from smoldering. Lindsay continued to stare at me in disbelief. Meanwhile, smoke is billowing up to the ceiling, pretty much engulfing the entire room. Of course everyone at our table is howling with laughter and everyone in the restaurant is looking at my flaming head. The stench is unbelievable. We all know what a little bit of singed hair smells like. Well, imagine that times 31, and that was how the restaurant now smelled. The aforementioned couple on their first date whispered to each other, "Uh, I hate the smell of burning hair." Really? Cause I always though it had a refreshing aroma! Barf. I regained some composure and looked down in my lap to notice bits of black hair ash on my lap. I start running my fingers through my locks, removing clumps at a time of destroyed hair. In the end, it wasn't noticeable (except for the smell that still remains). Only my ego was damaged and to be honest, there wasn't that much left to begin with. Keep in mind, there were several candles on the table, and several women with long hair. Yet I am the only one with the talent required to light my hair on fire. Needless to say, I had to have a few more drinks before I called it a night. In the future, I predict I will be sporting a ponytail to most dinner engagements involving fire.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Like, I Love Cell Phones!

I still have to post on New York, but first a pet peeve. I am sitting in a computer lab right now. It is silent...except for this one young lady talking loudly on her cell phone. To quote Michelle Tanner, "How Rude." Seriously. What makes this young woman think I want to hear all about her St. Patrick's day plans while I am trying to do work? Now not only do I know she has got some seriously awesome plans, but I also know her name is Patty O'Conner and I have no problem telling all of you her name because the entire computer lab already knows. I mean, she just HAS to celebrate because she is SO Irish. I'm sorry, but in addition to hating loud cell phone talkers, I also hate St. Patrick's Day. I don't really get it. I think if it were more about being Irish I might respect it more, but really it just seems like public drunkfest. If that's what you are into, I guess good for you, expect that on St. Patrick's Day, everyone else has to tolerate watching drunk idiots roam the streets, harassing passers by. If I see one more Greek/Italian/Polish/Jewish boy yell "WOoooo I love being Irish!" I might die. It's a lot less private than getting smashed at a bar where I don't have to see you.
So back to hating loud cell phone talkers. On the plane home from New York we were, of course, delayed on the runaway once we arrived at O'hare. No big surprised. Everyone rushes to turn on their cell phone (including myself). Fine. I have no problem with people calling the folks who will pick them up telling them we are sitting in the plane waiting. What I DO have a problem with is the young lady sitting across from screaming valley girl style into her phone. She wasn't even on an aisle or a window seat where she could lean away from those sitting next to her. She was in the middle. The people sitting next to her had nowhere to go!
Girl: Oh My God, I am totally sitting on the runway. I, like, think we might be here for, like, awhile. So are we going out?
Girl: Oh my god you are seeing HER? pause. Totally I really want to meet her, maybe I can scare her off if she is bitchy. Ill like, totally tag along and if its like, not going well, then I can start flirting with you and maybe she'll go away. OH my god, I can't believe you are dating her. Chicago is, like, going to be fucking awesome. We will, like, have, like, the best time EVER! Let's get, like, totally wasted! I'm serious. It's gonna be awesome. WHOOOOOOO I love being IRISH!

Idiot. I do have to give her credit though. Not a self-conscious bone in her body. Most people would be uncomfortable with an entire plane starring at them. Not her. No, in fact, I think it gave her more gusto. I hate to be like a mom about this, but people should have to pass a test before they get a cell phone. If whispering and tact aren't in your repertoire, sorry, it's pay phones for you.

Monday, March 13, 2006

thoughts on college

I just got back from New York and will have something to say on the subject, including pictures. Until then, some thoughts. In my struggle to get into medical school, I wonder whether or not it will be like college. I don't mean whether or not the work will be the same. I imagine, and hope, that it will be much more intense and challenging. I wonder what the atmosphere will be like, what the people will be like. I worry because the people will be the same premed kids I have taken classes with, and frankly a good number of them frighten me. I just hope something is different. So many people say how they want to go back to school, how they hate working and college was so much better. I guess I am in the minority when I saw I hate that I have gone back to college. College and I don't fit. I can't say it's because I'm older with more experiences and I don't have as much in common with the students...I didn't fit when I was in college the first time. Except for my roommates and a few other folks, I didn't have many people I could relate with. And I fashion myself a socialable gal. In the work world, I think I have an overabundance of friends. I guess it is a good thing that the work world suits me better, as that is the world most of us have to live our lives in. But I'm hoping medical school will be different. Anyway, as I sit in the computer lab at school... its just what Im thinking.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Overstock.com is a weiner

So with Jascha out in California and Radley with the dog sitter, I have taken to passing time by yelling at overstock.com representatives. There is nothing more infuriating than having to deal with "customer service" people, especially over stupid problems. Awhile back in early January I woke up each morning with serious neck cramps. After trying heat packs and massage, I decided it was time for a new pillow. I was always curious about those contour memory foam pillows. It just so happened that one of my favorite websites at the time, overstock.com was having a sale on a set of memory foam pillows. I purchased these pillows and awaited their arrival. About a week later I received a package, and while small, I thought, "those are my pillows." I was half right. It was my pillow. I was sure they came in a set, but I have been wrong before, so I looked up my order to make sure. As I suspected, I had been jipped one pillow. So I called. The guy on the phone was overly apologetic, but at least he said he fixed the problem. Fine, no big deal, mistakes happen. So I wait 7-10 business days, look online and notice nothing has changed on my account. I call back and this time I have the pleasure of talking with Kyle. Wonderful frat boy Kyle. Kyle said that the guy who helped me before didn't know what he was doing and Kyle would fix my problem. He assured me my pillow would be with me in 7-10 business days. I let around 3 weeks pass. Still no pillow. What is more disconcerting is my online account says, "return has been initiated." What? What return? The return of the pillow I rightfully deserve to my doorstep? Probably not. So, I call again. This time they put me on hold for 30 minutes. Fine, at least this time something might get done. Or so the gentleman on the phone said. A note to my readers. This is really the first point that I begin to get pissed. Before, just simple mistakes by new employees. Now, however, I fully expected to receive my pillow in 7-10 business days. If not there was going to be hell to raise! As you might have guessed, I didn't receive my pillow in 7-10 business days and had to call again. I was fuming. I call. The woman on the other end says her name is Trudy (seriously, Trudy) and as I am about to really give it to her, I realize she sounds like my aunt and I cannot yell. I inform Trudy of my situation, she overapologizes and says it will be taken care of. Thanks Trudy. The next day I receive an email from overstock.com. In this email, they inform me that I have to return MY pillow to them, before they send me my two pillows!!?!? Is this how you "take care" of things, Trudy? There is a link to online chat with someone, I click it and get to chat with Ariel. Ariel says she's sorry, but if I'd kindly return my pillow, they'd send me my set of pillows.
Me: Ariel, why can't you just send me the pillow I was supposed to get in the first place.
Ariel: We do not make individually packaged pillows, they only come in sets, so kindly send your pillow back and we will be happy to send you a set of pillows.
Me: . . .
Me: If you only have prepackaged sets of pillows, how did I get an indivual one?
Ariel: Ma'am, if you'd kindly return your pillow, we will send you a set.
Me: You are the ones who screwed up. Why do I have to go to all the trouble of sending something I ordered back?
Ariel: Kindly send back your pillow and we will complete your order.
Me: I threw away the box. So now you are telling me I have to buy a NEW box to send MY pillow to you? Do you really want the pillow I have been drooling on for the past two months? Why not just send me two pillows, seeing as you made a mistake in the first place? Isn't that what customer service does?
Ariel: Jenny, I understand you are frustrated and I would be too if I were you. But all we can do is have you return your pillow and we will send a new one.
Me: How do I know you will even send the pillows after I return my one pillow? You haven't been able to get me a pillow yet. If I send back my pillow, I will be left pillowless.
Ariel: I assure you, we will send you your pillow set.
Me: Don't be offended, Ariel, if your assurances mean nothing to me.

I also wrote a letter to the company. Am I crazy or does this policy make no sense? What I am most upset about is that they have angered me, causing me to write my first letter of complaint over a pillow! I feel if a big company makes a mistake, I better be getting something free out of it. Now, I will have to never shop at overstock.com again. My hands are tied. I have been forced to add another company to my boycott list. Overstock.com is dead to me. DEAD.